Culinario mortale – Expédition mortelle


Dans « Culinario Mortale – Expédition Mortelle », vous devrez résoudre une mystérieuse affaire criminelle. La particularité : vous et vos invité·es vous glissez dans la peau des principaux suspects. Le but du jeu est de découvrir le ou la coupable se dissimulant parmi vous.

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SKU: CUL006EX Category:


During a meal, the players will each play a character. A tragedy has just taken place, the players will have to investigate to find the culprit among them. The pace is fast and the plot is thrilling, for an evening full of twists and turns!
Culiniario Mortale is an investigation game that takes place around a table. Players embody characters who are witnesses and suspects of a crime. Among them is the culprit. The players must unmask the culprit and the culprit must go unnoticed. All the players are given a booklet which indicates who they are and what they did before the crime. Everyone will remember what happened before the tragedy. The game takes place in three rounds which correspond to three periods before the murder. The players will discuss together what they have seen and done. For this they refer to the booklet which gives the chronology of the facts. Be careful, no one can lie, except the murderer. At the end of the three rounds, a vote takes place to designate the culprit.

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Weight 0,25 kg